For so long I tried to figure out if it was me.And for what seems like forever, ive swept my emotions under the rug, just to keep things between us neat and tidy. No matter how many times I explain it to him he doesn’t understand. He keeps on saying “I don’t know what to do anymore” but I told him, its what he never did. He’s confused and thinks that us seeing each other will “fix” our problems. im realizing that he’s in love with my face.
He’s draining me emotionally and im running out of like. My “I loves you’s” are “I like you’s” because love comes from the heart; He stands on my heart putting pressure on it, causing it to burst.
And when it burst my mouth says what my heart’s been screaming all along.
I think I figured out today why I don’t use those words. I’m scared is what I tell him, I want to is what im thinking, “If you care about me you wont say it” is what my heart tells me.
Your heart operates everything in your body, your blood flow, your breathing your brain... I want to protect mine; because if I don’t I could malfunction. Repairs cost to much and its never really fixed, their just temporary; they just adjust it for the moment until the band aide starts to rip. He pressures me to Love to him claiming that’s all he needs from me, but what I need from him I don’t think ill ever get
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